Good chance we will be there looking forward to meeting the April crowd.
Hi All, Really sorry to hear about everyone getting ill. That sucks. We were (or I should say I was worried, about that and bought a UV pen to...
Really great trip report! We were slackers and didn't post a trip report! Just getting married it seemed liked we came home to "Thank-you's" to...
Yep! We have decided Steve! We hate you all for being down there drinking, swimming, partying, having a great time while we are left up here in...
We want to come too!:( Not our fault we were not advised ahead of time of the April Addicts antics or we may have considered postponing the...
I'd vote for you! Rather have someone in the Senate that knows how to have a good time then one that knows how to spend money! Jo:partytime:...
Hi Hope you have a wonderful time! We did! attaching a link which mentions new findings of key differences between CD and Gluten Sensitivity....
Hi, I believe we met! And It was great meeting you! Hope you had a wonderful vacation. We had the best honeymoon anyone could ask for. Anyway...
It was really great meeting you two! You are a very nice couple, and I wish we would have been able to cruise with you our last night. We heard...
Newbie just returned! We just returned and it was the best honeymoon/vacation I've ever had! If you are celebrating a 25th, please consider the...
newbie just returned! It was the best honeymoon, vacation I've ever had! Really, just go and have a good time. The activities/games at the sexy...
That really is too bad Mike. We had a wonderful honeymoon! Were exhausted the first night and slept. Never did catch up to you guys! Hopefully we...
Games?? hell were bringing games!!
No were not coming we dont want to party i want to stay home and shovel snow!! $uck that!! Yes we are ready to party, dance, flirt, drink, get...
Hey Hallie, Are you going to make our cruise on the 22nd or just planning on a day visit the 23rd? Jo :)
Shayne and Tamara are still here and ready to party! Cheers!:mnm: Hot couple 4 u still here and ready to party! Cheers!:daveandmo: Oh thoses...
It's Wed!!!!!!!! Two day's till wedding... then two day's till Cancun!!!!!! I think the drinking need's to start tonight!!!!! Here Here!...
Someone's gonna have a headache!! 5 days for us YIPPIE!!
Well Sherry! You just got my vote! I have to say the process is great. CC is really making sure that the contestants and their families and...
Wow! I don't even know Sherry, but I wish I knew how to pole dance like that! Tell her Great Job! She has my vote! Where do I vote? Ok, so can...