Good grief man how do you sleep at nite???
I would ckeck for price they are a lot of times cheaper
Thanks Steve not only for a job well done on this site but also for the great boobs cruise's. May the next ten years rock.
Check out the singles thread lets you know who is going when but may be a little early for that time period.
Oh my:bj:
I will be keeping a close eye on alpha rooms hoping they have another " sale " come January but no matter what air will still be a $1000
Great to hear from you knakrd, as of now the dates for us are wide open, would be great to see you in person once again and maybe join the addicts...
Welcome to the board any questions just ask anyone, your in for a great time it's the people that make it great.
Whens the movie cumin out
All I can say is its going to be a great two months!!
Nice, and not to long at all thanks
Congrats Karen on a job well done! Now about that extra ticket........
Hey Karen, Just sent our vote hope to party with ya next April. Good luck Tim
Well we are not staying home next year we're thinking April 10th to the 20th hoping to meet and party down with most of the April Addicts.
Great report, We are already planning to become April addicts next year, Hope to meet you.
Must be why I'm self employed, no one to keep me home but myself and that aint gonna happen when it comes to ttr
Great post made me feel like i was there. We are already looking at next April or May for our sophmore trip. Hope to party with you guys someday...
This doesn't have anything to do with someone getting sick but our first trip to ttr ( 3-11) there was a bunch of us sitting in one of the sexy...
have a safe trip you two, remember to have a drink for us.
Great thread going to be fun to watch this one.