Thanks... Its really amazing when getting out from behind a desk can do. Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
So I still haven't gotten to the gym... But i did however change careers from a computer job to the car business, and been trying to be...
Yeah.. I agree with Don.. 45 days and 11 hours to go.. I should really start theme night prep lol Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
See you there! Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
Awesome! Which friend you bringing? :aktion033: Its Thursday afternoon in the sports pool.
I need this vacation soooo bad... 64 days away, can't remember the last time I went to the gym, haven't even given first thought to a theme night,...
That's an impressive amount of drunk lol.. But not a bad idea... lol If you ever need help retrieving said tip money... :aktion069:
Its burrito time!
Buy Cinerator. Higher proof and tastes way better than Fireball. Nikki & Dave got some last september at Duty Free I believe.
Yup.. Perfect TTR cup. Sealed so the accidental dunks in the sexy pool water don't get in.. Room for room key & tips, and even has a strap so you...
I use a CamelBak sports bottle with the QuickGrip holder.. [IMG] Zipper pocket with room for keys & tip money... One thing you never lose at TTR...
My birthday weekend and wife is out of town... Doubt that would work.. unless i found a substitute to bring with me! lol
lol.. There will definitely be some sort of protection for the junk. Side story. I have a friend who's wife is a nurse.. She came home after...
Challenge. Accepted. :aktion069:
Our last night there... Hmmm... Gonna have to step my game up... Duck tape thong maybe?
Not sure where you've heard that, but there has been clinical studies showing that it does work for women... I believe it was something about...
I feel like I need an adult after reading this post now...
depending when, we may possibly make a trip down. Will it be couples only?