We booked as well. Thanks for the 'heads up' Steve!
Re: Columbus Day Weekend Pirate's Chest and Booty Booze Crui excuses, excuses. Next it'll be "I have to work on my doctoral dissertation on...
Push that button!!!
Trying to gauge interest for a Cancuncare Booze Cruise for Sunday, October 11th. In order to do a private cruise we'll need to gather 30...
Game on!
That's great to hear!
Hey Steve, what does your booze cruise schedule look like for that weekend?
In three months, 4 weeks and 1 day!!
We'll be there October 8 - 13th! Our third trip! The new countdown is on!
Re: Rates Those are great prices. Has anyone used Skoosh.com before?
Maybe we should invent our own Cancuncare channel 12. Webcams? How about it Steve!
ok, I'll bite, what's the deal with the pretzel?
We did it last November - it was a 40 minute shuttle to a club. It was fun to do once but we probably wouldn't do it again. Now Steve's booze...
There's nothing saying you can't come up with your own "Teasing Time" every day after lunch, although you may have to provide your own sheet!
After viewing the tape we've come to the conclusion that there may have been some performance enhancement involved with Cliff's efforts on the day...
I have to take responsibility for that one! At least you were smiling!
Re: absolutely fantastic We'll be there!
Great job Rob. I think I'm still hungover.
Re: hmmm