Just pitty of all the poor bastards that don't know that. You think carpel tunnel is painful in the wrist?!?
Just make sure you begin practicing your licking well before the trip starts. You really don't want to get down there and strain something by...
Absolutely! It's shaping up to be quite the trip!
It was quite the game, ok not all that close but it's just more fun in the snow. For some reason, just about every time I go it ends up snowing....
Still in mourning that our Patriots aren't in the playoffs. On the bright side we did get to go down to Gillette and watch them beat up on the...
As long as you tip your bartenders you'll be treated well. I did notice that some of the drinks prepared for the waitstaff got just a splash of...
It looks like those pics are set to private.
We're still trying to figure out ways to top the last trip. Something tells me we won't have to try too hard!
We'll rest on the flight back!
It wasn't heated in November.
Looks like a great time, although I am a big fan of TS Elliot :roll:
We're booked April 30 - May 8th!
We're in for our second trip. April 30 - May 8th. Hey Mav6rick, we're looking forward to seeing you guys!
Re: Jan. 30th I have to agree with Bob. It made all the difference in the world to us to be able to recognize people from the forum. All it...
Re: Nov-08 Pics Great pics, however a little concerned as that was all there was for "non R rated"? LOL Had a great time with you guys!...
Re: Cage Dancing How could I have possibly missed this?
We'll be there Nov 10 - 17. Maine's fairly close to Canada :)
Only 6 More Days!!