We did the couples sensual massage and it was certainly worth it. We would recommend. Other option is to find a hot couple buy the pool and do...
Oh boy... I saw "paddle board" and had instant flashback. Hey, I hear "it's always funny when it involves someone else's husband." Brian and...
Thanks for an incredible time! Have to say that being our first time, we weren't completely sure what to expect. Although we were only there for...
We just checked in today and are RCI members. I asked and got the answer that we ARE NOT premier members. Only people that own timeshares at...
Schedule a "fun" couples massage.
Final prep underway Looking forward to being at TTR soon.
First time and we'll be there 1/30 - 2/2!
Only a few more naps for us now. Yeah!
Thanks ajay! Helps a lot. How would we find Angie?
Does anyone know if body paint would be allowed on a night that was not ABC? We understand the need for a "Plan B", but wondering if someone...
New uploads Just uploaded pictures. Hopefully we will be recognized while on-site. January 30, here we come. Can't wait.
New upload Just uploaded pictures. Hopefully we will be recognized while on-site. January 30, here we come.