I hear ya.. Well we are going to give it a shot. We may regret it after, but I have a strategy. One word yes or no responses to every question...
Actually, we go in April.. We will be there 4/12-4/19.. My wife's a teacher and that is when her break is. Apparently it is one of the best weeks...
Just read you trip report... Great stuff! When are you guys going back?
Wow... That was a great read! Thanks everyone for your insights!!
So we booked through a friends referral week this year and were told we will be getting the premium white bracelets... I am assuming that means we...
I was just wondering why make the switch, but I see your point. If you have been 5 years in a row, it might be nice to see what else is out there....
Just curious... Why???????
We started going at age 29 (we are 32 now) We were on the younger end of the spectrum but learned real quick that everyone acts like they are 18...
Game faces! [IMG] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Let me give you a bit of advice.. Bring some meal replacement shakes and fiber supplements.. It's true that there are healthy options, but try and...
We are with you guys... We have never been stuck in a room by the lounge, but we have a friend that ended up there. He could here the noise until...
I'm training for it right now! Game face is on!!
Wow... I haven't found any sort of country based discrimination at TTR. People all seem to get along just fine. That said, I feel like we meet...
85 days!!!
Looks like we will be there at the same time! See you at the pool
See if you can find someone with a referral week to burn... You got to sit through the time share non-sense, but we got $161 per night. All in...
Big Sexy... We are tearing down the house this year ... Better have your game face on!
Looks good to us!!! Can't wait!!
When you book kid??
Hey all!!! We will be there 4/12-4/19! Can't wait to see you all again this year!