Sounds dissapointing, was hoping it would be getter. Not much point to it if they are not going to offer any service to go with it, hopefully this...
Going Feb 27- March 6
I think just about anything can be negotiated.
Cant be much more dangerous at night, than it is in the afternoon. Just to be safe, bring a friend?
I would think normal pool attire would be fine, could be very busy on lingerie night as everyone will more or less have something they can just...
Sounds like the sports pool, but we"ll have to wait and see.
Sounds like the sports pool, but will just have to keep an eye on the upcoming trip reports to be sure. Sounds like a great addition though....
Just Cancun, the only Temptation we have left.
[IMG] Among many innovations to the Temptastic concept of Temptation Resort & Spa Cancun, we have decided to go for the great atmosphere 24/7....
Looks like there's going to be two sexy pools now...
Definetley will be interesting
Totoally unreasonable banning body shots until noon.
Mondays and Thursdays
Must be too shy for the balcony, variation for them must be a different bed, so sad.
Looking pretty good so far, looks like we have 10 bookings for the resort in this thread already for the first week of March and still quite a...
Travelocity was very cheap few weeks ago, when we booked but has since gone up a bit, but seems to be trending back down again.
And it shall always remain that way.
New website is up received via email, Desire Resort & Spa Los Cabos. Looks like they will be offering 25% off from May 1 -December 23...
Would definetley be interesting to see if something like this happens down the road. Was starting to think about a second trip to Temptation Cabo...