The 50/50 is where Curtis cheats and never pics his own name. Silly people.
I am sure we will see you guys at check in for sure. Looking forward to sharing cocktails and conversation in the near future. Safe travels....
We land at 250ish on the ninth as well. Safe travels.
I like the "GO HAWKS!" As in Seahawks. I just want the playoffs to go all the way into mid June. Makes football come faster. Cheers!
Moorea beach is our choice. We choose to get there early. Order a bucket of tall boys. (Best bang for your buck). Come happy hour (3pm) we head on...
We would love to do the afternoon slot on the yacht. We are there june 9 a 16th. Maybe the 14th? Keeps us in mind if you will. CHEERS! Jimmy n Stacie
4th trip for us. Jimmy and Stacie. June 9th - 16th. Has anyone ever rented the yacht and hung out with four other random couples for the...
9-16th as well. May see you at the airport/shuttle/Mexican dinner/glo night/etc...
If anyone is planning something like that during June 10 thru 15 let us know. Sounds like a solid time.
9th thru 16th GO HAWKS!
Good morning and happy thanksgiving week.
End of may early june May 28th - June 4th- 2014 June 8-15 2012 July 10-16th 2009 March 17-20 2006