Hey, hope you two enjoyed your last couple of days in Cancun. You will have to check out the pictures. You can catch Travis and I on face book if...
See you guys got returned fine. Nice meeting you, to bad that our trip didnt overlap much.
Should be there in about 21 hours, see you there.
will be en route tommorow by this time!:xyxthumbs:
Probably just cold beer, lots and lots of cold beers.
We will be this Thursday also, but not untill the afternoon.
I am definitly checking it out!
Final countdown is on, we will be there one week from today!!
We will have to wait and see what you decide before we book, we leave on the 23rd.
We may be signing up for this later in the day (2)
13 days and counting!!
I figured their was at least one person out there that liked this shitty wather? Not us, 17 days!!
Sure you would??? :lotsofmichaelfs:
You guys need to get a snowblower! to hell with shoveling!
See ya there on the 17th, when we arrive!
22 Days!!
Thanks rob, will do.
I hear a lot of people are fed-exing there luggage to their destinations. Anybody ever done this. Heard it is cheaper than the baggage fee and...