The walk away bum is the best
You will have a blast and most likely return with in the year
I wish we were going in February now
North beach on isla is great, take ferry from embarkadero it’s 10 min walk from TTR. You can walk beach to it also, takes a few mins longer. We go...
When are you going?
4-9 to 4/13
We did in Oct. They were nice. completely renovated. Couldn't figure out the coffee maker til the last day though. :(
We go twice a year. Went once in March. There were a lot more big groups of young people there (males) It def clears out to more the normal crowd...
April a lot less spring breakers
Checked in luggage wouldn't be a problem. Def not carry on luggage
I tell them we have no time, we're meeting friends at pool. Then we say sorry and keep walking.
Is there a topless beach on isla?
Haha, I leave lasting impressions, some good some bad. We haven't booked yet, but its definitely going to be those dates. I know a few people...
Mass where?
We re oct 9-13 come meet us Do u remember us?
You guys planning trip to TTR?
we get in the 11th, hope to see u at the sexy pool :lotsofmichaelfs:
How about them patriots??????? Haha