I have a suggestion. Could we make oct 10 white /glow and then change oct 12 to a different t night maybe sheer
Just a suggestion. Why not make oct 9 white night and neon glow night then pick sheer for oct 12
Looks cool but we did this in Jamica and it was way to hot for me.
They probably sell them over the counter in mexico
Lmao so true
add us please 9-19
I understand just want to start shopping
Is there anyway to start nailing down what our theme nights will be
Take over
Doubt we do the Rockstar theme.
I was just busting your chops that's why included lol at the end. Some times my smart assNess does not come across in text
Ours are more fun loving And inviting. I would be afraid of you guys because of those shirts Lol
Hell no
We are there 9-19 I think you will love the october group
Sweet see your coming in october then
Have fun
Frank don't forget tequila prices.... thank you
Nice ass......traka