Joe you can run it by them if you want. But we are doing it just thought it would be fun if a larger group participated.
The group I'm with 30-40 people are wanting super hero night. On Oct 9th or 10th. Would appreciate it if you could add it to your list
Thanks for the info
October 7 -15th golden parnassus
Our group is going to golden parnassus. We have about 30 confirmed going so far
Looks like it is going to be closed this oct...
Plus our 3-4 lbs
Hope your hubby is ok
If you bought trip insurance your covered. If not call cheap Caribbean
I hope these next few weeks fly
I will gladly take anyone's ticket for lobster. We won 2 dinners last trip and they were very good
Our names arent on the list either 9-19
Awesome we have a large group coming with us this year
I was wondering where everyone was
Prove it. Lol
Bump this for the everyone bump
Weather in oct is awesome no worries about being cold. See u there
Im good with it