We are coming in Oct and my goal is to get a huge party up there one day can't wait.
Great post with lots of info
Will be great to see you as always
We are booked 5th-12th. Already ready to hit that dance floor
Oct 5-12th
We will be gone by then
Book USA transfer from this site to receive a discount and to help the owner of the site out for his referral
What beers do they have
Those dates are definitely sold out we had a very hard time booking those dates a few months back and I believe we may have gotten the last room...
Another yinzer we love it see you on the 8th
There is already an October roll call thread with this information that is pinned to the top.
Do you even lift bro Awesome thread kyle thank you
What Facebook group is this?
Nice thank you
You know we all expect a ton of pictures and a full update from you guys in 5 days. Gonna have to make a new thread. And feel free to throw in...
Married 19 years on the 10th
You guys are awesome
We bring a triple xl T shirt with our names on it. Slide it over your chair to reserve your seat by the pool.
Yeah baby
I wish ya luck but this world is crazy. If you are looking for a female roommate and don't exspect any relations then what isbthe difference? I...