Thank Jamie, I am good with the light stuff, but Rich enjoys the top shelf, so I guess we will have to bring along a little extra..... Cannot wait...
You are so funny- Tonya (me) is the one who is organizing this stuff... Rich would rather me handle it...
FYI- Resort Schedule (from April but I don't think it would change too much) I copied this from another posting from April 2010- It probably does...
Personally, Rich and I will be there only from Wed Jun 2-Sun Jun 6th (and then we are moving a bit south to Mayakoba for the next week....) Most...
Preliminary Theme Schedule as of now... I want to be sure we have an idea of what to bring/pack. I will post the final schedule on a couple of...
I started a new separate post for the week we are all going to be there but I guess I should have just posted it here. I was trying to make it...
Thanks for the info! What night is it on??
Thanks for the weater update- looks great!!!!!
Check in here for your roll call. The calendar on this forum seems to be missing a lot of guests.... We don't get in until Wed Jun 2nd- Thinking...
Thanks for the info!- One more silly questions- as far as soft drinks (or mixers as I call them)- Do they carry Diet Coke?? Bacardi Light Rum? How...
Meet and Greet - Wed June 2nd Lunchtime- Anyone?? Anyone/Everyone interested in a meet and greet on Wed, June 2 to have a drink, give us a group...
If you are moving Glow Night to Wed then I am going to go try to buy some glow stuff before we leave! It looks like we will miss all the other...
Curvy1 is Tonya and Rich. Looking forward to meeting everyone!
Will be a fun time, I am sure!
Since we are missing the Toga and Schoolgirl Night, I wanted to make several suggestions. Can you tell I am excited!! 1. Red Passion Night...
Sometime between June 2-6th: Glow in the dark night (glow stick, bracelets, etc...)- this was someone elses idea, but might as well post it as...
Ok, so can you tell me what the "extras" are.... I mean what do we have to pay extra to get...?
Is there a glow night planned?