Thanks we will be there both nights so we have a choice thanks again
What nights does the resort take the guest to Coco Bongos?
Will be there Feb. 22 till 28th and would like to participate on a boobs cruise hopefully the 24th or 25th.Can't wait to party with Jeff & Jill...
Yahooooooooo just booked our vacation and we will meet you guys in Cancun.Tell Jill she better keep practicing those huggs
What nights is karaoke?:musik026:
Hi, Vickie has to ask if she can get vacation at that time.Just waiting on her before we make any plans sure would like to go there same time as...
Hi I believe this messages are private only for us when you post on the forum then everybody can see them.Just send you an email and wanted to...
Hi J and J Well have you started making plans yet for Sept or for vacation yet?Heard you guys went to ohio couples house for a pool day and that u...
thanks for the info now we have to make sure we didn't forget anything we arrive tomorrow cant wait .............time to party
I have some friends that want me to bring them back some Cuban cigars.Will I be able to purchase some in the hotel ? If not, where do u suggest is...
Can u believe we missed the march 22 or 30 boobs cruise because we will be there the 23 till 28 lol
We arrive Wednesday morning make sure u save some drinks 4 us. Our names are Vickie and George. Wednesday March 23 cya soon
When do you guys arrive?
We will be there March 23 till 28. We are newbies also but willing to try to keep up to the expert drinkers. Cya soon.
Thanks all for replies and info, Pericos will be on our schedule while in Cancun. Cant wait to party and listen to the :musik026:
Pericos Hope to find others that want to try Pericos out.Do any of you guys remember the little guy dressed as a devil? I did hear that he passed...
Has anybody here been to Pericos restaurant?Restaurante Pericos Last time we went to Cancun this restaurant was very exiting, they do all kinds of...
We are leaving the 28 but will have some drinks with you before your birthday .......... early celebration
Wow such great info thanks to all,we will be there March 23 :ernaehrung005::ernaehrung005: cant wait
If it gets too hot you might need 2 ice cubes