Any Sheer nights, or is Red Night/Burlesque sheer fair game?
We were there in 2012 and rented a private Villa and I highly recommend it. The Villa sits high on a hill in St. Mary’s Parish about an hour...
WOODY!!!!! Have fun my friend!!
Who is going to be at MayHem in the first part of May? We arrive on May 4th thru 13th. We will have to crank that bitch up and get the party...
Great to hear that she is doing good and back to work, Sabe was our favorite and we look forward to seeing her again in May.
Great reading, Mr. Morgan!! Well done!
Scott: I look at it like this if the owners and management look at the early booking and see that May is a complete sell out then I would think...
We NEED TTR in MAY!!! After May, After May, After May! Come on MAYHEM say it with me, after May......PLEASE!!!!!
Hotel booked for May 4-13!! Can't freaking wait!!
Happy Birthday, Reddog68!!
So what's wrong with licking whip cream off a bare chested women? Am I missing something here! Oh wait prude's might not approve or such actions....
Thanks! We had a wonderful time meeting you guys also and we agree it was too short. We will have to make plans to meet up somewhere and have a...
Found great rates last night on American Airlines round trip $379 pp. Would rather fly Delta or United but for that rate I wouldn't pass it up....
Rob: Great to be able to hang with you! What an Awesome time!!! BTW we booked the airlines tonight May 4-13 2015, took your advice!! Hope
Rob: Thank you so very much for welcoming us to the group so warmly. It was wonderful to get to know more people who enjoy celebrating like we...
See ya at the Airport!
Mike, sounds like we are all on the same flight. Sure we can share a Taxi. I think the cost is $14 per person for Taxi's. See in Detroit!
We will be there May 4-13 and after missing last year we are soooo ready to party!
Queen - Fat Bottom Girls!!