The absolute WORST is the music playing before the entertainment staff (or water aerobics) start... They had a soothing "Smooth Criminal" playing...
We will try to bring some... We have an unopened can of chocolate right now and we will try to get some caramel and cinnamon. My wife's b-day is...
What does the winner receive? Last year, one of the judges was MAJORLY hitting on my wife! A total creep!!
Speaking of... Have you guys tried the whipped cream w/ alcohol in it?? I wish there were some way to bring some to TTR! Talk about some...
We can't wait!! It's gonna be a blast!!
Geez, I know!! I'm gonna have to chill on the double fisting this trip!!
We can't wait... There were so many people we never even got to talk to last year! (James, TMac, their lovely ladies and others). Hopefully we...
Sweet!! Officially a "Sticky!!"
Don't worry, Bill, my wife's a huge flirt...
I sure hope this isn't a ruse!! A heated pool would rock!!
That sucks... His tuxedo thong will be missed...
Dancing Sean has been there almost every year we've gone to TTR/ BBG!!
...Pics at the bottom definitely won me over!! At least 4 votes from us!! (2 home, 2 at work!!)
Lol... You got it! I've been practicing all year!! And Lynfa, I like the way you think!!
We are officially in!! Suz put down the deposit this morning... We're there April 30- May 7. I can't wait!! It'll be great to see the friends we...
Lmao!! I'm sure Suz would HATE that!!
...Thought of a great theme for the girls one night while there... Instead of "sexy schoolgirl" this year, how about "Sexy Rocker Chick" night??...
I've got the tab on the shots!! (we actually do tip well while there! The bartenders are awesome!!)
You guys ROCK!! Thanks for keeping track of everything!!
Shots on school girls!! Does life get any better???