Us as well!!
That's because it was... T- SHIRT TIIIIIIME!!!!
Last year at this time, I was sweating my ass off at Paty-O's at night!! Not really a breeze at all there! A week from today, we'll be drunk in...
Can't wait!! See you guys in exactly a week!!!
Sweet!! We're Cowboys fans as well... Rough season!
Hey Bill, is that Mindi on this week's MS's Contributer page?? If so, WOW and tell her Congrats!!
Lol... Where's Les and Lynfa on this?? I figured they would love this idea!! BTW, you are gorgeous, Melissa!! And Ron, you're one sexy Puma!!
Believe me, you have "nice shoes!!" We can't wait to see you guys!!!!
I still think we need a "party like a Rock slut" night!! Dress as a rocker chick/dude. Latex, big hair, wife beaters, big... Nice
Lol... I've been practicing for May all year!! It's my turn to buy the Red Bull, though!!
Y'all could always go and hang out by the quiet pool and make it more of a romantic trip instead of a party trip...
Believe me, we didn't get played... First off, we aren't into that stuff. Second, my wife knows a D-bag when she sees one!
The burgers rock at patty-o's!!
I'm sure you look amazing!! Us girls are always our own worst critics! Suz
Lol... He may not have been!! He told my wife that was his job; going around judging contests... We got there that Friday (after the contest,...
Games rock!! Bring them on!!
...will do... Thanks for the advice, Woodman!!
Suz and I weren't there yet. (like my drunk ass would have made it anyway!!). I hope we do it again this year!! I swear, I'll not double fist...
Scratch the cinnamon... Thought they had that but they don't. Wife bought some chocolate, caramel and cherry for our trip... It's gonna be a...
12 Looonnnggg days............