Can't push it back a week?? We are fellow West Texans!!
We took 3 bottles with us this last trip!! (alcohol whipped cream) HUUUGE hit at the sexy pool!! Although the Chocolate kinda looked nasty!! LOL
That's awesome!! So glad you guys had a blast!
They can barely even keep the bottoms on with Ron around!!! LOL Too bad I can't post the pic of Suz and you, Lynfa, with Joe and Fran!!
Epics, I believe the gauntlet has been thrown down... Time to start practicing my double fisting...
Dammit, (hiccup) you had better not enter us in the Couple's Competition this year!!
First week of May??? Buttercup says "PLLEEEAAASSEE!!!"
Lol... You know what rocks?!? They now are selling Red Bull at the bars!! They had regular and Sugar free for $5 a can! Pretty sweet!! 1st few...
HELLS YA!!! We can't wait to see everyone!!
LMAO!! This is GREAT!! I guess we had better get Suz in the Stripper pole classes!! I don't know if she would do it; she's shy as well! Isay...
...Our perspective from a couple who were there, but not part of the Miss Temptation stuff... We met most of the husbands/boyfriends as soon as...
We just left the resort a few hours ago... Had an absolute BLAST!! We hung out quite a bit with the girls and their guys. All I can say is...
...Watching Suz pack... I love a fashion show... T- Minus 36 hrs........... 1st time with a heated pool in Jan. Can't wait!! We are bringing...
Well, if I would send you a cd with our pics... (I'm a procrastinator) I'll be sure and bring it in May!!!
Sweet!! We can't wait to see you guys!!
Dang... Forgot to set the DVR this week, Jeff! You'll have to fill us in on the J-Wow/ Sammie fight!! Lol
I like the way you think, Jamie!! Toga??
Where the "F" are the girls?? Lmao!! Can't wait to see you guys!!!!
...I know..............Sorry; our guilty pleasure.....