14-20 Oct. My 3rd, 1st for Judy. Looking forward to the new place. Judy really gets into the vibe!
Flavored whipped cream, and an attitude!
My understanding is Hard Rock DR and Secrets Excellence have topless pools. I stayed at the Melia 10 years ago and had no topless sign at pool....
At TTR Now. Any more takers? Room 1304
Ya hoo, five days to Boobs Cruise!!
We fly out Thursday, yea!
That four. Need more!
Been there, done that. Sure understand that. So much to drink, and so little time to hang at the sexy pool, and on the Boobs Cruise, one must...
I'm hoping for several folks to join us. I hate to say this, but this will be my fourth trip to Mexico, and I've not invested the time to see...
Bill & Lottie arrive on the 20th. We'll be on the ok s cruise too! Looking forward to being friends. And getting out of the cold!
Thanks for friend request. We arrive Cancon 3:30 22Feb. Looking forward to the party!
My gal Lottie, first timer, and I will be there 20 Feb-2 Mar. Also bud GPDub there 20-27 Feb. We are really fun folks from S. In, Louisville KY...
As soon as you hear me say "I'm offended", you know I'm either facetious, or lying!
Oh my gosh. After reading all this, I'm gonna wear my really dark glasses !
Will be here for days[IMG][IMG] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I just booked for GPDub. My partner in crime from the last time. Hope no one recognizes us!
At least 2" of slush when I came in the house. Captain, permission to board?
What was I thinking? I've booked this trip as well as 22 Feb!!!
Woo hoo. See you there!
I'll be thinking of you. Hope she makes a full and quick recovery. God bless!!