Hola We were hoping to get some of these Mexican Market Bags made up for the bookstore. We see them all over in Merida and other places, but...
Thanks ya'll. In Canada some folks get Monday off, so I wasn't sure. See you in the bank lineup...
Will banks, cablemas, telmex etc be open on Monday? We need to pay some bills and want to do it on Monday.
Mr. Lau's menu still available at David Lau's in Puerto Morelos...another good reason to visit the town!
We always cross at Los Indios/Harlingen TX. Nice quiet crossing and you avoid Matamoros. As suggested, we cross early and get clear of the...
Here's a link to the whole list (in Spanish) . The above news story mentions books, but I dont see them on the list. (obviously something...
I've flown out of the country while in the midst of my FM3 before...needed the "salida" letter, but I've never flown domestically while in the...
Thanks for this. Sounds good. Rob
Our FM3 is in tramite right now, but we'd like to fly to DF. We'll need ID to board the plane, but we wont have our original FM3. We have...
Wow! What a deal. We've never been, but the National Museum of Anthropology would be tops on our list, plus the murals by Rivera and Orozco....
I'm writing this post on my resurrected Dell. It was the video card, I have a new one imported from the US courtesy of a kind member of this...
Thanks for the diagnosis. Here is what really makes me think its the card. The computer seems to boot up normally...except that I can't see it...
Hola all, Thank you for all the replies. I think it is my video card. I know it's not the monitor and I have been in and out of the case a...
Hola all, I think my video card in my Dell 5150 has died. Any ideas on where I can buy another in Cancun? Gracias Rob
cell phone Many thanks for the info. I promise to pick the least annoying ring tone possible and step outside to make a call. :D
Hola all, We're finally back, and delighted to be back! We've decided to break down and finally get a cell phone. We've resisted because I...
same thing on the highway near the airport. this morning they were blocking southbound, this afternoon northbound. Traffic is and was waaaay...
Hot spot Cafe de Amancia, just 3 doors west of the bookstore is a hot spot. They are closed on Tuesday and they close for siesta from 3-6pm....
Mike, all the booze you could drink? Are they still in business? :D Thanks for the tip!
any personal experiences?