Our favorite places: 1)The hiking around Carmel & Big Sur in California. Where else can you see Grey wales migrating and seaotters feeding with...
All Jacuzzi & Ocean view rooms are not around Paty'O's. If you are in a standard room, you have a higher chance of being stuck there during a...
Thank you! We've stayed at the Four Seasons & the Ritz Carlton on 5th & Park, dined in the nicest restruants in NYC, Chicago & SF. We leave that...
Thought we'd drop these here for your reading pleasure: http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/temptation-resort-cancun/28205-future-ttr.html...
We had a Sony Alarm clock last time we were there in our room - even asked the maid to reset the time when our power blew as we were never sober...
We are, brought our friend with us last trip and as both of the ladies were drying their hair - poof! Lights Out! They had the lights back on...
The blow dryers the resort provides are not good - We bring a professional travel size with us. Word of caution, if you use two blow dryers at...
Rates went up by $23 per couple in the low season and $28 in the high season per night. Steve had to raise his Boobs Cruise rates by $20 per...
You are on vacation, so why are you on your phone around the Sexy pool? Too many of us have had to deal with folks taking pics/video around the...
The Los Cabos hot tub had the beauty of being on the 2nd floor overlooking the ocean and being able to hear the waves crash. We thought it was...
From what we gather - the 20% rate increase for 2014 is unprecedented. Yes rates go up, but generally a few bucks a year or 2-4%. No annual...
As Mexico does not have a dairy industry - ever seen fresh milk at Temptation? Just the boxed stuff. - Real whipped cream is hard to come by...
All of that is OLD information they pulled from the TTR/Desire website - Here is the new website showing the remodeled grounds & rooms - Hotel...
As a general rule: Airport Driver $5 Bellman $2 a bag Maid $3 a day Breakfast $2 Lunch $2-3 Dinner $5 - $10 Pool tips $5-10 Paty'Os tips $5-10...
Some folks snuck over and grabbed some pics of the remodeling process this summer - The Buffet/Italian restaurant right behind the Sexy pool was...
No need to dress up as Santa - people dress up in all sorts of Christmas themed outfits. Reindeer costumes are always popular. They do 3 of...
We understand Desire, we like Desire - it is super laid back with a great relaxed sexual vibe about it What we don't get is how you replicate...
:( We liked the Tecate over the XX - can still get Tecate Light at TTR for dinner though, which we would prefer to be on tap throughout the resort.