if they made it a couples resort they would loose a lot of guests we go because they let singles in .. we have tons of friends male and female...
welcome you should check out the boobs cruise to ..great way to make friends
they actually lock up luggage in a separate room and they give you a paper so you can pick it up we have gotten in very early before our room was...
don't only talk to women talk to the guys as well this will show you aren't one of the bad apples .. non jerk stuff ..don't hit on a woman after...
does anyone know if they put the scales back in the rooms last trip we didn't have one i hate not knowing how much they weigh .. I do not want...
when we have a late flight we generally ask a friend to drop our stuff off in their room after check out we have done it for others as well then...
every few years there are a rash of thefts .. they change some policies .. switch around some security stuff and every thing calms back down that...
can't help with the boobs cruise issue but sometimes the hotel does nice things for people if its a bday or a anniversary or something like that...
hubs has one of these we don't use it for phones but depending on your size you could fit them in it or they have bigger ones we put it on the...
we are doing burning land like mad max / bdsm some people are treating it like burning man
I think the hot tub closes about the same time as the sexy pool .. sometimes they let it stay open a bit later there is always food at bash .....
if you do a referal you have to do the presentation i would check multiple sites see who has the best deal thats what we do
if there are any random things in the water if you get strong enough booze that'll kill em :)
labor day crew made up some themes for that week not sure about other weeks and they have some special ones for sept on ttr
I wouldn't worry about being vanilla , as long as they don't say bad things about the crazy people running around everyone will be nice to them...
hubs and I go risky business during white night :)
I picked the 70s I use to love throwback when they played the music of the times so off putting to get all dressed up in theme and the guy plays...
we have never had an issue and I do slushy's all day long
in Sept the food was good the buffet was actually better than it had been they had a pasta station most nights one night we made a huge salad at...
that actually makes sorta sense they have the buffet right there .. so lunch or dinner they can have buffet on one side and a sit down food place...