the my friendly store across the way to the left sells it .. not to badly priced we had so much .. I made fireball and diet coke slushy's .. bevy...
we weighed it and I have over 7 pounds of crap for glow night lol .. so all my other outfits came in second place .. for white night I am just...
think we have less than 24 hours before I have a drink in my hand and my shirt off lol
we usually went sometime around the 11th of march ..its a mixed bag of people ..I swear one march no one was doing shots and everyone was sipping...
the pool is really cold in march ..and when we go we notice its a lot of first timers the spring break thing isn't that big of a deal sadly we...
got ours yesterday .. so ready to meet everyone .. :)
ok so checking the weather it shows we may get a tiny bit of rain sometime during the week .. so I pose this challenge if at night it is raining...
we will be easy to spot ..I am gonna have super bright red hair .. dragon tat on my boob that goes around my nipple .. at the pool will most...
we always do the across the street trek in the morning ..that way we don't get hit by a car when we aren't thinking correctly they had crown...
there is a store across the street that sells it to .. they have fireball as well ..and the most amazing crème tequilla .. can't wait for the 29th...
honestly with as much stuff that we have bought for glow night ..I might not have any room in my bag for anything else I am gonna have to...
hubs just usually wears a tshirt in what ever theme the night is and he has a good time.. a bright yellow shirt for glow ..a white one for white...
If Kelly is still working there can you tell her that we are coming on the 29th and have prezzies for her ? We didn't forget ..she gets two of the...