Hey Scott, great to hear from you! When are you headed to TTR? If we meet up again we’ll bring you your hat.
We are so ready for July 7-14 so we're doing a warm up tour March 13-20 !
Now one of the great social issues of our time solved to square or not to square !
Steve I wear these and love them. Had the same problem as you. Finally ordered tyr square cut from Amazon . I wear 32 or 33 in Levi's and after...
We’ll be there 13-20!
That's the "mo" for a lot of peeps going to TTR . The anticipation turns a weeks vacation into 2 months following along with CCC.
March 13-20.
They have both. If you want to leave either the hairdryer or straight iron at home, take your straight iron. My opinion, L
Hey! We’ll miss you by just a few days in March but will see you in July-TTR Thunder! L
July 7-14
You know the more March roll call responds puts you at the top of threads ,I think. Just Sayin !
Might be interested in the party if it's not full . If it is we'll be partying somewhere !
I figure I need to put up or shut up not sexy but is a countdown pic. See you in March !!!!
That's what i'm talking about ! We arrive on the 13th Tim and Bruce's BD.
March peeps it's getting near how about some excitement . Maybe some sexy countdown pic's or some chatter . I'm so ready again !
Bruce's BD 13th , Cathy's 14th , Tim's 13th correct
Sorry about that mine is the 13th also . So Tim you get the gift so find us ,we arrive around 2 on the 13th
Find us when you get there I've got a little gift for you birthday girls . Mines on the 13th and yours is on the 14th.