You’ve been told the issue several times by several people in different ways. We don’t care that it’s a fucking grainy image. It’s the message it...
Do you always contradict yourself? Marketing is advertising. Consistency in rules, if the hotel can break it there will be others who think they...
Do you have any concept of how people think? If the hotel sets up a low res cam looking down, do you not think that it’s not conceivable for some...
Exactly! glad someone understand the issue even if they don’t agree with.
Exactly but for some reason we have some posters here who cannot comprehend this. When we started going it was a place that was fun and safe...
Consistency of messaging. If the hotel is advertising a live web cam but says no camera’s for guests. People are going to ignore the no camera...
The whole point of the hotel was no cameras. Let loose have fun don’t worry about digital images getting out. By putting up live web feeds they...
Still means we are going to mute our activities. Many others will too. We loved temptation because of the no photography rule. Now we won’t be...
Lol it’s glitter, if one person is wearing it by the end of the night it will be every where and on everyone.
The resort does not do a PCR test. Best find a reputable provider before you leave.
Matt & Brianne 2 in the group December 18-25 4th trip Boobs cruise maybe
If your going to party, temptations or hedo would be for you, if your going just to find a easy vacation hook up, then neither resort will be much...
Dec 18-25 for us
Big difference between trip cancellation and travel medical coverage. The issues you described are trip cancelation.
Be sure to ask what is covered, all policies are not the same, if you’re looking covid coverage ask for it specifically.
It use to be the pass ended at 11pm
No one blamed them. This is getting a bit fucking ridiculous. The thing that set everyone off was them saying it was their own fault then saying...
That wasn’t victim shaming the poster pointed out what you said. How do you know your door didn’t latch properly behind you? How do you know the...
We asked the same thing. The Week Before Christmas
I hope the music has changed, what they played the last two times was rave garbage, would love a better mix of music.