Music is always an issue has always seemed to be an issue. I think they are trying to go for the rave crowd mid 20 to 30’s not understanding that...
I don’t drink. Lost 1 too many friends to drunk drivers.
Keep digging Mr. Cockwomble.
Go back re-take remedial English then re-read your posts and my responses. you offered advice to us, not knowing us, making judgemental comments...
You clearly have a reading comprehension issue. I understand English is a difficult language for you. So I will space it out for you in bold. We...
No it’s dislike of the fucking themes, you can take your know it all self righteous condensing attitude and shove it. As I said more than ten...
Have seen bachelor parties on every single one of our 7 trips. Most look bored, many get ostracized and shunned. Very few single women mostly...
Trip number 8 for us. I can say in the 10 plus years we have been doing trips to various “party” resorts this years themes are by far the worst we...
Please please please vote for something better than these gawd awful themes. Neon over done, and the rest are just ugly and trashy, this will be...
Matt and Brianne Dec 17-25 8th Trip Boobs Cruise -very likely!
If they can’t clearly communicate it will likely be nobody.
In others works how do we get laid…
After 4 trips to Cancun temptation resort and 2 to grand miches then the way DR grand miches was shuttered, we are done with the brand. Cancun Ttr...
The resort will not be part of the temptation family as of Jan 15 2024 you should reach out to your travel agent.
We are done with this resort brand. You’ll find us a hedo from now on.
Make sure you bring a swimsuit or two, it may not be desire new management is taking over on the 15th of January.
Rumour so far is that it will be a breathless.
Staff told us that it would be under new management as of Jan 15, new name new concept.
Just got back, different management is taking over, likely new concept too. Both desire and temptation are done in miches after the 15th.
We leave on the 24th but have done Christmas at ttr cancun. Wore Santa hats and lingerie. He bought boxers that looked like an Xmas gift.