Whoo Hoo.. Looks like we will get to meet you guys.. Rusty and I will be there May 5-12th!
Hey!!! We will get to see you guys there!! Rusty and I are booked for May 5-12th!!!! ;)
Yay!!!! I get to see my FAVS!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
Hey!!!!! I saw your dates.. Rusty and I are going May 5-12!!!!! We will get to hangout!
Rusty and I will be there from the 5th-12th!!
I cant wait to see them!!!!! muah!
Loving these theme nights!!!!
We will be there in May!!! I cant wait!!
If anyone has pictures of us from September and don't mind sharing we would love to see them!!! :-)
Thank you!!!! We will have to make sure next time we hangout more!!! :-)
We will be there the 10-19th.. What is a room crawl?
It's getting closer!!!!!!