well that should be interesting, I (geoff) am the shy on of us, barb on the other hand i affectionately call my stray dog as there isnt anyone she...
Hi guys, Wanted to say hello. Hopefully our pass may cross during our stay in April. We get in on the 13th. I see where we were there the same...
Good morning. Stopping by to say hello and wishing you a Happy 2018! Hope to cross paths with you during our April 2018 stay. geoff and barb
April 13th thru April 21st. 5th trip 2 in our group Boobs cruise....maybe
5th trip is booked April 13th thru the 21st. Looking forward to continuing the party from October 2017
I swear the clock seems to be going backwards at this point. Looking forward to seeing you both again
We couldn't agree more. Looking forward ti meeting you both, we are doing the BC, are you?
19 days for us, we can't wait to leave cold, cloudy, dreary Northern New York for the fun and sun of the new and improved TTR !
We are booked for the 2nd, let the countdown begin. Tic tic tic.
we will be there September 27th thru October 4th. Trip number 4 for us. tick tick tick.
Oh there is nothing to be scared of at all, before you know it you will have a whole new group of friends and a new outlook on life. Once you...
You're so right John, looking forward to seeing you guys again and making more new friends. Sure don't want to wish the summer away, but damn we...
This will also be our first time going and meeting the October Breast Group. We are so looking forward to seeing the new and improved TTR and...
We have no doubt that it happened at the hotel. We aren't sure it was an employee, it sure could have been thou. With today's technology and the...
This will be our 4th trip. As previously stated, each trip gets better and better and our group of new friends expands. We just love the party...
Good morning all, We want to make anyone that attended the Montreal Mayhem tour to be aware that apparently someone along the line stole our...
We are Looking forward to meeting old and new friends in Montreal.
Fourth trip is booked(September 27th to October 4th) and the count down has begun. Can't wait to see the new TTR, see old friends and make some...
trip number four booked(9-27 thru 10-4), can't wait to see the new and improved TTR!
Our fourth trip is booked(September 27th to October 4th) and the count down has begun. Can't wait to see the new TTR, see old friends and make...