ok i couldnt figure out how to post pics on that other page so i just made one up of my own on there... only a handful of pics till i get the SD...
guess no one knows when peak week will be yet lol... trying to organise mates here in OZ to come out next year but they need a rough set of...
ok, finally got back on this site since i was in cancun and USA in march... CRAZY MONTH EVER!!! just started going through pics from it and...
Yeah figured it might be a little misleading to people. Figured as much as I am a promoter myself
You sure he's performing? Does say he's hosting. Hmmmmm
Uuggghhh 7 more days for me. Lucky enough they are going quickly
Haha count me in mate LOL. Hit me up on facebook or Msn if you want... airaaron_6@hotmail.com
Hmmmm after hearing the prizes I may think more seriously about coming down earlier... Hmmm decisions decisions
I own a couple local records at some bars, but nothing in guiness... yet lol
I'm just going to throw this out there... But Australia is far better drinkers. Hell we had a prime minister that held world drinking records lol
Lil Wayne LOL
$55 damnnnn lol free sounds much better haha
how much is the one you went to engineer???
I think I have to agree with BC... Daaaammmnnnn lol
You know who's worse live than akon... Kanye. Went to his last show in aid for him just so I could see nas, and kanye did 15 minute speech at one...
Nah cancun will be alot like the north east of Oz. Humid. I'm from the south which is a real dry heat. Dryest state in dryest country lol
If MTV Australia is there when I am I will be on it haha and I plan on talking to as many American chicks as I can to milk the shit out of the...
When you going mate? I have room with 2 beds and only person there from 14-21
Complete opposite here in Oz. 2 straight weeks of about 40c. Has been messed up lol Hope it snows in NY when there. Never seen the snow
What's the deal with the pool area? Is it safe to leave hit hanging round there hole in pool? Are there any lockers to put stuff in