wow, your like an animal lol that was such good beer
wow we tapped out that bar on friday realize? i didnt even realize that. carole needs to put in a double shipment of kegs next time around haha....
hahahah yes. i can DEF confirm that ian was not talking about the mechanical bull. but she is just as fake haha
like ian said, what goes on over the pond, stays over the pond. so i wont name names, but that was hilarious
hahahahhahahahhhaahah yesssss. watttttta crazyyyyy night. got even better when fletch and i made it to the bed later :evil:. and ian is a legend...
LOL yes thanks for those pics, i liked the 2nd one the best haha. one hell of a weekend, ill tell you what
lol whatta night. definitely a night that i wont be forgetting anytime soon. NO PISSING IN THE SINKS!! lol nice meeting everyone
ya id say LOL
uh oh nerd has the title apparently J, you 2 are going to have to duke it out UFC style to see who the true spring break king is. we do know who...
now jason, are you going shot for shot with fletch as you are pouring the cuervo?
look for for CHUCK LIDDELL!!!!!!
ian i do not understand half of what you just said hahaha see you tomorrow ps this is fletch im at chaz's house hell be there satruday
it was dos playas or no where and anytime you have a chance to go to cancun for spring break ya gotta take it.
believe it henry, believe it
oh we will def have a few shots 4 u!!!
i actually remember coming out of daddyos and i had a glass of rum and coke, and as i was leaving they took the glass and poured it into a plastic...
im ready to whoop that ass in beer pong. that 2nd picture looks really nice
really? i honestly didnt know that, i have only done it one time, i was waiting in line at senor frogs the 1st night it was open since wilma and...
LOLOLOL classic gemma, classic. great goals to have for sure lol