hahahha niiiiiice, my bags are packed, durex was bought yesterday, and i only wish i had $3000 lol but im most defnitely ready to party. have you...
dont worry TIPS, it will be here before you know it, fletch and I are departing in 19hours, i feel like i have waited forever and cant wait any...
hahahhaha he was showing off his belly button ring
oo tell me how crowded it is? is there a lot of people really starting to head down there for peak week? im glad ur having fun, dont fall asleep...
sounds like a lot of people, you know im there, what kind of events are taking place here? anything planned? or just getting as drunk as possible...
awesome.....except the bulls won lol
spring dates for the usa is always the month of march, easter has nothing to do with it. cheers, and did you ever get your ipod? lol
good to hear, i myself am always curious as to what the turn out will be
BUMP for greta because i want to know too
i would be honored to sign your boob. I CALL RIGHT UNDER THE NIPPLE!!!!
senor frogs is def. my favorite club is cancun, its not the biggest place in cancun, but the variety of music, crazy acts and contests, chanting...
sounds fun :?:
lol asshole, i would not know!!! i am assuming that a man,or woman, in that state would not feel much of anything until the next morning.
omg wow haha ijust laughed out loud for a good 30 seconds, that was hilarious, and at the rate he was goin that night, your right he definitely...
hahahah two half naked delinquents. well i guess since i was fully clothed and he was in the nude, that averages out to two half naked delinquents.
LOLOL for me to do what fletch did i would have to drink wayyyyyy more than ever before. but the leash part sounded interesting haha
im down for florida in may when the usa gets our 600$ return from the government