dennis, if you build up all this hype, and drop all these little hints, and dont show up theres going to be a lot of people who will send you hate...
hahaha joe thats funny shat.
Me neither. it really hit me hard today. my heart has been beating abnormally fast all day haha
hahaahha :cool:
woo hooo see you down there cind. and thanks Jason, you have fun as well
after he comes back from cancun lol
after counting down from 365 days, the time has finally come. Fletch and I will be in the air in just 46 hours!!!!!! its amazing how fast this yr...
believable story....
its like 70 bones to get in. save your money and see him when he comes to your city.
aaaaaaaaaahahahahahhaahhah thats amazing
sweats with shorts underneath, and sandals.
ahahahahaha she actually said they started serving penis, that is great. now is that complimentry?
true story, i saw one when i was a kid and i smashed that sucka in my neighbors yards, and my friends mom screamed at me. then i smoked it
wow it must take a long time to dig something up from 4 years ago lol...
bulldogs claimed to fletch and I last yr that they were open till 7 am lol 40 bucks for open bar at the time
one bank scrwed you, doesnt mean they all will.... however, do not exchange money at the airport, the exchange rates suck. just check around down...
ive used it everytime i have gone with no issues. however i do make sure i keep an eye on it if possible, and always keep the recipt just in case...