They pretty much last forever.... Do not put them in the refrigerator though
They now have a boobs cruise posted for Dec 4th
I don't think we'd ever feel comfortable partying with out kids there. But with that being said we have see families there Sent from my iPhone...
FYI it's not really a chaos crew initiation but we like it and we are sticking with it
ok fine move us to the 4th. We have a reservation for 4 though so only move 2 of us. Our other friends have an excursion for the 4th so they will...
Didn't think about mistletoe till you mentioned it but Amazon Prime to the rescue again ;)
You're welcome and see you in a little over a week
As long as you are there during those dates you are automatically part of the chaos crew.... Only rule is you must buy the first round of body...
They must keep moving it. For us last year it was at night in a cage by Pattyo's This year it looks like it is in the sexy pool from the pics I...
Someones excited lol. Look forward to meeting you
That's the thing foam party is during the day this year on Thursday... And we don't want to get too trashed from the boobs cruise to not make it...
Still debating switching. It's just a bad day. We are only in for one foam party and its lingerie night too Sent from my iPhone 5S using Tapatalk
Cant wait to see you two. it's been 700 days too long
Do not take them to Desires lol
Cleavage FTW :lotsofmichaelfs:
Awesome, One less thing for me to pack :)
We would so take part in that but we leave on the 8th :(
possible swap for the 4th
Us too. we could probably get up to 16 playing as teams lol