You won't regret it!
We're planning on the 24th and 28th Boobs Cruises. 24th is booked, but so far it's not that busy. :(
We are too! We need more for the 24th! Come on guys!
We'll be there April 23 to May 3. Can't wait to meet everybody!
We'll be there those dates! See you there!
Awesome! We'll see you there! Drinks are on us! lol
I was going to wait due to potential flight changes too, but I booked the other day (we arrive 4 days after you). You don't pay up front and you...
We went with whoever they hook you up with at the hut by the pool where you get your towels. I forget how much it cost ($200 tops), but it was...
You can expect drunk me to come and make friends with you in the sexy pool if I see you. lol Hubby and I are both early 30s. I was nervous the...
Talked to hubby. Put us down for the 24th and 28th please! :lotsofmichaelfs:
Think we can pull off the 24th, 26th, 28th and 30th? LOL I want to do at least two of them. Probably 24th and then either 28th or 30th. Just to...
We'll be there April 23-May 3rd. Hope to see you there! Martina and Mike
Hi there! It looks like you're arriving the day before us. We're there April 23-May 3rd. Hopefully we'll see you there! Martina and Mike
I just got all excited before I realized this was from last year. lol
We arrive on the 23rd, so I'd go on any cruise between April 24-30!
I picked up new training shoes and weight lifting gloves today. What a difference! My hands get so sweaty and slippery. I was using running...
I'm hoping for two boobs cruises too! So much fun!
I'm back down below my first TTR trip weight from last April! I gained back 12 lbs out of the 20 I lost last time. Now I have 70 days to lose...
Are theme nights being planned yet anywhere? I didn't scroll back very far, but haven't noticed anything yet.