We can’t wait!!!
Ohh we made sure we didn’t book the cruise on the day y’all arrive. We are going on the 13th.
1 month before the party starts for us !! And we booked the boobs cruise for the 13th. Mrs. already has theme nights outfits packed!!!
We are booked for the 13th. For another memorable cruise!!!!
Well Well I love food myself. But I Am thinking about doing a gummy bear only diet this trip. For some reason I been craving them since last summer
LOTTALEGS - Duane & Christie
And believe me you will be happy to see what’s below that hat !!!! . It’s pretty hard to miss.
My better half participates with all the theme nights. I try to do something theme related for most nights but I would say it’s about a even split...
We can’t wait to see y’all again either. !!!!
Duane & Christie. April 9th - 19th....
Well we’re finally booked April 9th -19th. Looking forward to seeing some old friends and making lots of new ones.
Duane & Christie April 9-19. Boobs Cruise - Maybe
We look forward to meeting you guys!!!!
I absolutely can’t wait. I asked my wife if it’s to early to pack. Lol c
Very nice. Desire is a great place for exploring. Last year at temptation it seemed to be mostly vanilla couples or curious couples.
We love Desire but I guess we will maybe try to go maybe in August
Yes we have been in the lifestyle for 4 years now. How about y’all. And if so are y’all members of SDC.
Desire was booked up so we had to move over to TTR for our trip. 21-28
Hey guys great can’t wait to meet y’all. Actually we are doing BC on 26th. We have 2 other couples that are friends arriving on 23 and they have...