All the ladies in the competition are beauties and we wish them the best of luck! Nancy, we're from the Niagara region too! :icon_smile:
I'm enjoying everyone's pics! I love the picture countdown. Can't wait to start adding our own... but we have 62 days to go!
Oct. 17th - 25th... 8 nights. Starting to think it's not long enough, but I think it's too expensive to change now. We'll just have to go back...
Matt and I are thinking of extending our trip... so we might be there from Oct. 17th to Oct. 27th instead of the 25th, just have to clear a few...
These are my picks too. LOVE the red one!
Tori, I would love it if you could recommend a product for me. Also, wanted to chime in on this thread and say how important it is to...
Matt's a boxer guy too.. I think thats why I find the humour in his discomfort! But they do look very sexy!
Has anyone got their briefs yet for the black tie event? Matt got his tuxedo briefs in the mail today... so we had a little fashion show.... All...
We'll meet you guys in the pool! Look for the two sunburned, intoxicated Canadians!!
Let's hear it for 69 days until fun in the sun! :daveandmo:
Two hours a day? Yeah, that sounds about right! By the way... 69 Days and Counting!! Woohoo!! :69:
I'm in! Sounds like a great way to get to know each other! :xyxthumbs:
You forgot Sand, Surf & Shots, Shots, Shots!!
What are the 4 S's?? hehehe
I'm in the same boat. Although, I bought a cute bikini yesterday that ties at the sides, its not a string bikini, but sort of, so at least the...
Matt and I got our gym membership on Friday and have had two great workouts since. This time I'm not going to weigh myself - it's just a...
I believe I was vote #43! Good luck! :aktion033: