I must be doing something wrong. The stress of last minute packing would send me over the edge. I was packed over a month ago, then had to repack...
Oh I doubt it too! I wasn't insinuating that they did it on purpose. As someone who has had a very scary experience, I was simply saying that I...
You never texted me!! ;) Thanks for the review. When you say the hot tub isn't hot, are you saying it is cold or is it just warm? I completely...
Booked November 27 :)
I love Bikini Bite: https://www.amazon.ca/Pro-Tan-Bikini-Bite-Roll-on/dp/B000RZ924S/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1507488211&sr=8-1&keywords=bikini+bite
Normally, I would be pulling out and sorting through my Halloween boxes, preparing to decorate the front of my house. No point it doing it if I'm...
hahaha I don't even know where that ended up Will be great to see you too!
looks like I have some shopping to do....just booked Oct 29-Nov 2. My shortest trip ever!
There is no such thing. I have looked as I need it! Just did a good will cleanse of my everyday clothes and now know for sure that I own more...
Hi Sue!! I found this on a Dec thread: Fri Dec 1……...WHITE NIGHT…...........(White Night) Sat Dec 2……..GLOW NIGHT..............(Glow Night Sun...
For the Chaos Crew dates Wed Nov 22.....LINGERIE....................(Lingerie Night) Thurs Nov 23…DECADES NIGHT....... (TBT) Fri Nov 24……TOGA...
Its Nov 19th, part of the Sexy Sinaholics themes.
I'm doing them all, but am combining a few of them. Doing Playboy night and going to wear the same thing for Uniform night. My white Toga dress...
flight is finally booked! Nov 22-Dec2 :)
You better look the same or Will is going to have some explaining to do ;)
We all know that it is the people that go to TTR that make it what it is, but none of us would enjoy it half as much without the amazing staff...
I may have a problem! The TTR bug is back full force now and my on-line shopping has suddenly gone into overdrive. My poor mailman ;)
It's late, make up and hair has been messed, theme outfits are scattered around, heels are off and the alcohol has done its job. A crappy burger...
Only us classy broads use that term lol