Have you two picked a date in June yet?
K - well it sucked last year. We did 1/2 3rd week and 1/2 4th week. Nic/Kev left day we got there and NTP was around but that was about it. All...
Hi - Have you two booked for June again this year?
Seriously dude.... 3rd week now? What's up with that? And don't give me any lame excuse about L having a work thing!!
Hi!! Are you going back to more June this year? Missed you guys last year.
Hey - so did you end up booking June '14 at TTR?
hey guys - you going to try and make it back for June 2014 this year?
Hey! So are you going to try it again this year, without the part about having to go back home early for work???
ok - so how was January? Cold?? You going back to June this year?
Hey guys. You headed back again this year in June?
Not sure. We have some people we'd like to go with us, but they're not ready for TTR. I honestly haven't read everything on the GOV forum, and I...
You're going to GOV this year? Did i see you on their June call?
I wish. January is soooo busy for me. We did make them completely jealous with all the stories this year. They'll be joining us next summer.
Is it too early to think about June 2014? I month down, only 11 to go!!
It was great meeting you guys too. Sooo much fun all day and night. It's just one long party!
Great meeting you Mike. Hope you enjoyed your 1st vacay in many years. :icon_biggrin:
We just got back three days ago and met some of the nicest single guys we have ever met. They were a blast to hang around with. They even beat us...
Great hanging with y'all for at least a couple of days. Wish you could have stayed longer. Hope everything with the job went well. Take care and...
How are y'all doing? Hope your flight back was uneventful. Missed y'all the last day and night. The party in Nice Shoes on Monday was horrible. No...
Any orange wristband will do. People are finding them on Amazon, at Party City or Dollar Store. Good luck and have a great time. We leave in 6...