I believe I have one or two left. I will sort it all out after we get home tomorrow night. As you can tell, we were having fun with it.
[IMG] We are coming to the end of this Colorado vacation. Now bring on TTR and this great Octoberbreast crew!!! Anyone care to join in for a...
She likes the "heart pasties", and lets me get a little creative with my photography as long as I use them. But no they for sure go away at night.
[IMG] Barbara is getting tuned up for October 4th. It is now a game to try for a boobie pic whenever we get a second of privacy. This was on...
[IMG] On our hike yesterday, I came around the corner to this. Nice peaks huh?
We go to Estes Park every summer. RMNP is where we were hiking on Flatop Mountain. I will try to figure out how to post the pic later.
Wow, good morning everyone. I see I have missed alot this week. We are on our family vacation up in the mountains of Colorado. Unfortunately no...
That would be nice. We went to our sub-division pool today, but it is not the same since I think they would frown on Barbara going topless. I...
We are planning on it. Barbara is a little freaked about it since she gets seasick, but we have to see what it is like.
Congratulations, thats great news.
Great pics, we can't wait to be in the middle of this madness.
I am like 5'10, and Barbara is maybe 5'9. I have blondish hair and some rib cage ink, and Barbara has blonde hair. At least this week anyway. We...
We are about 45 minutes West of KC in Topeka.
I guess we won't be bringing any since you can't get it in Kansas, unless we can find some in Missouri.
I like both Insanity and P90x. I rotate throughout the month with these plus I add in T25 and P90x3. They are both 30 minute workouts, so I like...
1. Jason 44 Barbara 43 2. X-ray service - Dental Assistant 3. Swayers 4. Non stop action and sexy vibe Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk