One word that keeps coming up is respectful. Follow the same edicate that you would at a bar back home and you should be fine. Like don’t hit on a...
We are going that time too, 12th-16th and again on the 20th-25th. I’ve been wondering about the crowd as well. Couldn’t find anything here so I...
Thought the same.
At 95% of other resorts the majority go to the beach not the pool.
Is meat hangers frowned upon?
We went last August and like others have said, it doesn’t even compare to TTR. Partying is almost nonexistent. And toplessness is not allowed at...
Is this still going on at DRM and if so on what night?
When are we going to get a official roll call for August? I am beyond excited about this trip. I log here everyday even though it’s still 4 months...
I don’t think it rained the whole week, and the temps was actually pretty good. 75-80ish during the day, 68-75 at night. Not to windy. 5 degree...
Actually we went for the first time in early December last year and had a blast, so much so it’s now our new favorite place. The pool wasn’t that...
Amen! I think I have found some trunks to solve that this time though. But they are really short, and baggy. might have a hard time keeping the...
I’m with you. I like Bash, there is no reason to do anything different, except open a pool and it’s adjoining bar up at midnightish, so people can...
134 more days for us.
Does the same dress code as TTR apply at desire for theme nights? Mostly wondering about nipples being covered at the outdoor bar and disco....
We should have a pretty good understanding of which is better after August as we are doing both. We are doing TTR before Desire, and then Desire...
I’m down 43 lbs on keto, the wife although not doing strictly keto is down 5. She really can’t loose to much, but I could still loose another 20.
Just booked TTR Aug 12th-16th, Desire 16th-20th, back to TTR 20th-25th. Let us know if you’d be interested in the poker game on the other thread....
Well looks like it wouldn’t save me any money to switch, so I’m we will be making the foam party after all.
Thank you for the replies everyone. You have helped me make my decision. If it is indeed cheaper to fly out one day later, that is what we will do.