We will see you guys on Monday. If you recognize us holler. My beard isn’t as long as in our avatar.
Well we don’t go until the 16th, but I’ve read somewhere that they installed a barrier like the one at TTR. So everything should be fine.
The best meal we had was the steak at seaflirt.
Its settled then. We will do a room crawl on the 13th and the 22nd. I guess we will have to figure out a spot to meet up on those days. I’d say...
Well we will definitely host on both dates. I’ve got a poker game lined up, and I’ll pick up a bottle at the duty free. Will probably be tequila,...
So are we doing a room crawl on the 13? Sound off if interested. We can do another on the 22nd. List which date you be interested in doing this,...
1 more week as of today!!
The days is fastly approaching! Does everyone have their costumes ready? We got the last of ours in the mail today!
Thanks John. 8 more days until we are flying!
Tip: read this forum.
That does sound much more fun, than the techno dance club scene going on now.
Yes most people do. I’d say 80-90%. That’s most of the fun.
There is a August roll call. I’d recommend posting there.
My two cents: First and foremost, music volume at bash. Turn it down a little. Maybe 20% lower. Secondly, have a pool open at night, maybe...
We have found it, and have been reading on it, but don’t want to sign up to another forum. Thank you though.
Thought exactly the same thing when I read it.
We are also there 20-25
24 more days!
We are up for it. Be there 12-16th