Hope all is well. Checking to see if ya'll have alternative plans for October or if we could talk you into sept!!
What's up guys?! Any TTR plans before the shut down? We will be there sept 10-15
Coming up quick! Look forward to the trip report!
Great albums
84 days! Can't wait! September always an all star ensemble of party people![media] Lol
Yes sir! Very fun. Lots of good energy!
I know we are planning a night out in Dallas aug 13
Xoja is their screen name. They are on your friend list! Lol
Xoja are their CCC screen name. They are on your friend list. Lol
Great! Always helps when trying to meet people. Just look for the biggest, loudest group at Paty Os. That will be us! Large fun welcoming group....
Doing good. Ya'll ever make it to Dallas message us. Would love to hang out again.
Hope things are all good. We're back sept 10-15. Ya'll gonna try to make it back before the closure. Would love to see ya'll!
Hope all is well. Ya'll gonna make it back for sept this year?
You two participate in the themes?
You two participating in themes?
Oh Hellzyeah ! [media]