Xoja. They are on your friend list! Lol
Xojo I think
Did ya'll meet kevin and Jess from Boston over nye? They are super fun and friendly folk!
We tried that last time and they told us we have to have same departure date too. We arrive ~0945 the 10th. How about ya'll?
We are there sept 10-15. Look forward to meeting you two.
We are there 10-15. Look forward to meeting you two
We will for sure look for you two but we never get chairs. We just throw our bag under a friend's seat. Too much fun in the sexy pool to be a...
Thanks for the request. We love theme nights too. There are definitely some we like more than others this trip but plan on participating on all....
Hey guys! Miss ya'll. Any TTR plans before the shutdown?
Good friends Stephen and traci will be on your flight. They are on sept roll call too.
We fly out around ~7:15am on 10th so we will be waiting on you two at the sexy pool! Btw love the name. Last update on roll call had our pic on...
Steve, can you please begin practicing just in case?! Lol [media]#
Good thinking Kyle. I think we will be on same flight the 10th with Rusty and Spunky so I may have to be carried INTO the resort this trip! Lol
Great report scuba and Elyse looked great as always. Hate that our paths didn't cross this year but always looking forward to the next time they...
I think we proly missed you by a week in 2014 then. Do ya'll Participate in the theme nights?
We are there 10-15. Look forward to meeting you two. Did you say ya'll were there sept 2015?
Not the whole Month but I had these handy 9/9 Friday Day- Sexy Pool Theme- BCAD 9/9 Friday Night - White Night 9/10 Saturday- Red...
I always encourage everyone to bring something they swear they won't wear! Admittedly BCAD may be a little much if its a first or second visit but...
I'm certainly not saying it is my favorite swim suit but it's a small price to pay if it means more ladies participate! Lol