we were there the 3rd to the 9th and didn't see any, must have been the "spring break" luck of the draw. We did meet some fun gay guys though that...
Yep, I figured I would get my own page so I could beat Tammy to it...haha! We did have an absolute blast and loved hanging out with you guys...
Kickin around the idea of 4 nights twice a year, maybe in Oct. and march don't know yet!!
:aktion030:Thanks for adding me Kevin appreciate it, cant wait to see you guys again!
Thanks so much for accepting my friend request, it was so great meeting you guys down at TTR, Tell Melissa i'm getting my Gluten free diet going ,...
thank you Thank you guys for all the friend requests this is awesome hope to meet you guys at TTR sometime. :mnm:
I wish we could go again we just got back 2 weeks ago, usually go once a year in march around my birthday, then thought of going twice a year for...
Thanks guys, we would be open to April if it comes to a little more of a discount in price compared to march, but we just don't know if we can...
New to Cancuncare but my husband is not. He has talked me in to joining in on the fun, after seeing him on here for the last 6 months previous to...
Its starts out pretty good with Black jack Billy's "Booze Cruise".