I'm going devil I think... my hubby does NOT dress up But I love it. Still have to find a schoolgirl costume. Always wanted to do that one.
15th to 22nd... can' wait... time to shop for outfits!
OMG I haven' been on here in ages. We are booked April 15th to 22nd. Usually October group but can' wait to meet new people and have a great time!
I think we will be doing the same. The same dates as well. FINGERS CROSSED!
So. Tony really wants to come back this October. So I think we are Changing our summer vacation plan to only be 1 week with the kids somewhere so...
This is the Mrs. And No Mr is never on. You can send him a pm on facebook.
Hey if anyone has contact info for Missy and Jason can you please pm me and let me know how to get a hold of them I thought jayson added me on...
We had an amazing trip and it was so nice seeing everyone again and meeting the newbies. But we will not be returning to ttr. Next year is a big...
Hey can anyone tell me how much we owe Steve on boobs cruise day for a couple? Can't remember.
It will be 3ven funnier once you meet Tony and see what he looks like!
Tony has Never worn pants on any of our vacations but that being said he wears Dress Shorts and a bottom down shirt.
Your husband leans over the dining room chair to play with your boobs and uou discover your 4 year old doing a triple take and smiling!
We connect in Calgary on our way there and in Toronto on our way back on the 10th
So I'm sure we've already done this but when and what time does everyone arrive? We land about 330pm on Friday October 2.
Can't wait. It's already packed!
Yes... same reason as you!
We would prefer another F
So excited now. Got some outfits that fit the way I want and even a couple swimsuits. Can't wit to pack this weekend , then it's just last minute...
No red one please! I'm ok with anything else! The red one stains.