We will be at TTR May 11 to 13 then Pearl May 13 to 18.
We are desire RM July 31 to August 3, ten 3 to 8 Temptation. See you on the 3rd
We are in Manitoba and they have issued us digital cards as well as one that is plastic like a credit card. Super easy. And we have tk have it to...
July30 to August 3 DRM August 3 to 8 TTR. Really looking forward to it, still crossing my fingers we will be able to go.
We are crossing our fingers gif this one. Coming from Canada. July30 to August 3at Desire RM August 3 to 8 at TTR. Party if 2 Trip 7 or 8 lost...
I believe the border is closed!
If you are Canadian. I just read Westjet is suspending ALL international flights effective March 23. Including to the United States.
We are also waiting till the last minute. But our 10 year wedding anniversary is August 2nd so I'd like to rebook for then... but may be...
I'm very curious, people from this group who are canceling , what future dates are you considering rebooking for?
Best of luck with everything. I hope your son makes it home to you.
1st case in our province today. Returning from ANYWHERE? in manitoba I believe right now it is just of you are returning from the hot spots.
Thanks... I think I'm gonna have to switch to stand up only.
Serious question... how do you avoid white spots on your bum from pressure points when in the tanning bed?, or do you all do stand up tanning only?
We should be at the resort b4 noon on the 10th..... cant wait!
See you on the 10th when you get back from the boobs cruise!
What are your dates.... we are 10 to 19... really hope our paths cross, you guys sound fun for sure.
We are working out 5 days a week, I (the Mrs.) just started tanning this week and I'm very happy with my progress. I'm down about 18lbs since...
I sent it to you on our chat...
Costume sucked. It fit in ths bust but was nothing like the photo. The torso was short and thd bottom wax likd very large granny panty. Top and...
I was a competitive figure skater, when I stopped skating, my parents started traveling...lol