About to board the plane! Its about to go down!! See everyone next to the Sexy pool! Billy
Getting Close!!!!!!!! :ernaehrung005::ernaehrung005::daveandmo::daveandmo::aktion031::aktion031:Two more sleeps and I will be walking up to the...
So ready!!!! :biggrinbandit: 6 more days !!! ready to party with Labor Day crew!! See everyone poolside on the 28th! =) 5th trip!!!...
April is the Best!!! I will be back again! Mid to late April at least 10 - 14 days days!! Billy :ernaehrung005::ernaehrung005::beer4::beer4:
Finally in single digits!! 9 more days!!! August 28-Sept 3. =) Cant wait to see old friends and meet new ones too!! Billy...
Ready to get this party started!!!!!!! :ernaehrung005::ernaehrung005::daveandmo::daveandmo::headbanger::headbanger::daveandmo::daveandmo: 11...
ready to get this party started :ernaehrung005::ernaehrung005::beer4::daveandmo::daveandmo: 11 more days for me ! Cant wait to party with all the...
Missed you guys in April. Glad We get a chance to hangout in two weeks! Its goi ng to be a Blast!!
Looking forward to partying with you guys again!!
Time to Party!!!!!!!!! Hey Labor day Crew! I am back for my 2nd time, during labor day weekend and 5th trip to TTR total! Looking forward to...
Whoooo Hoooooooooooo !!! Back Flip!! We will be there in the Morning! Finally!!!!!! Cant wait! See everyone at the pool, around noon! Billy...
Almost There! Six More Sleeps !!!!! Cant wait to get there! See you all poolside early on the 16th! Then its on!!! Looking forward to seeing...
:daveandmo:Its almost that Time! Cant wait to jump on that plane and get to Cancun! See you two at the Pool on the 16th when you get back from the...
Almost there Only two weeks to go !!!! Whoooo Hooooo! For all the the Addicts who are heading down there have a drink for me and get this Party...
See you peeps there in two weeks!!! Glad its almost here!!!!
April The April Crew Rules!!! The Best month and best group of Party people for Sure!!!!
We will be on that Boobs cruise on the 19th! Our first one also and from what I can tell by the crew that is going it will be Awesome! We will...
Forgot to mention , That Barbeque, and all the food next to the pool last year was awesome!!!! Hope they do that again!!!!
20 Days TO Gooooo!!!! Bags half packed and the last of the the gear should be arriving next week. Already have 8 cans of AIWC loaded and ready to...
Hey Jane and Eric, Looking forward to seeing you two, again this April! Billy and Linda