Packed and ready to fly out in the a.m. Ready for fun, relaxation, the 4/8 boobs cruise, and to meet everyone!!
Less than 40 hours till we feel the warmth of the sun, the scent of sunscreen, and tumblers full liquid refreshment!! Where is the "Fast...
We arrive at 8:55 a.m. on United from IAH.
Only 3 more work days till we arrive at 8:55 am on the 5th....Our first trip to TTR cannot get here soon enough!!
11 more wake ups till the escape from the concrete and cars....
From reading some of the previous comments from those in the know, our first Boobs cruise has the potential to be legen . . Wait for it ....
Sounds great! Looking forward to a much needed vacation and meeting everyone!
From reading everything on the forum, they are definitely a MUST DO!!
We arrive in Cancun at 8:55 am on Saturday the 5th, USA Transfers are booked. If airport traffic, baggage, and customs all cooperate, hopefully we...
Only 28 more wakeups till our first trip to TTR....Looking forward to unplug. No phone, no email, no office......
We are booked and excited...31 days and counting! Gary & Twyla
Please add two newbies to the cruise on the 8th... Gary & Twyla
Cool. Thanks for the info. The bride hasn't been jet-skiing and was thinking she might like to give it a go.
40 days to first trip (April 5th can't get here quick enough)....having perused the forum for what seems to be hours. The plethora of information...
It is going to be our first trip as well....really needing and looking forward to a vacation!!
We are making our first trip to Temptation. April 5th - 11th...So ready for a vacation!!